Constantly Curious - Edition #12

The World's Best Home Architecture, Scarcity v. Abundance Mindset & More

Welcome to Constantly Curious, Edition #12!

The idea here is simple: each week, I will curate the most interesting articles, tweets, videos, ideas, people or hacks that I’ve come across and send them (via this newsletter) directly to your inbox.

Every week, we’re reaching more and more folks. If this is your first time checking CC out, you can subscribe by clicking HERE

With that said, let’s get into it -

Four Social Posts that Will Make You Stop, Think and Act

A YouTube Channel that Teaches You About the World’s Greatest Architects

I have been obsessed with luxury home tour videos lately - I truly enjoy sitting back, soaking in the mastery, getting inspired and, ultimately, dreaming.

In my rabbit hole, I stumbled across The Local Project’s YouTube Channel - and I’ve been hooked.

TLP’s channel is brilliant because it’s not just the biggest and baddest homes in the world; frankly, it’s far from it.

They focus on homes and structures built with intention - one’s that are centered on providing the people who reside in them an experience.

My favorite videos so far…

Music to Soundtrack Your Summer With

Summer Music has a certain feel to it.

Whether its driving into a sunset with the windows down, sitting by a pool with a drink in hand, or sipping your morning coffee with a sunrise, the right music is essential. Here’s 5 songs that you can use to soundtrack your summer…

  1. ”Island” - by The Starting Line (Artist YouTube)

  2. ”Designer” - by Balu Brigada (Artist YouTube)

  3. Reckless” - by Healy (Artist YouTube)

  4. Summertime Music” - by Shwayze & Cisco Adler (Artist YouTube)

  5. Grey Street - Live at Central Park” - by Dave Matthews Band (Artist YouTube)

If you like the vibe of these songs, I created a curated playlist on my Spotify channel. Aptly titled Good Vibes, it’s exactly that. These 5 songs are on it, along with 60+ others. Check it out/give it a follow by clicking HERE

A Mental Model to Help You See the World’s Potential

Scarcity v. Abundance Mindset

When you boil it down, there’s two ways to look at every situation: glass half-empty or glass half-full. Some situations are nearly impossible (if you’re of sound mind) to view as half-empty; but if you really wanted to, you could make that choice. After all, mindset (how you view the world, your circumstances, your opportunities, your flaws, etc) is a choice (more on this at the end).

Next time you find yourself in a tricky situation, ask yourself this question, “Am I employing a scarcity or abundance mindset?”.

Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine you were just laid off from a job you worked 20+ years at. Naturally, you would be full of emotions. But, there’s a choice to be made: how should you respond to this adversity?

A Scare Mindset would respond to this adversity by taking you down this mode of thinking…

  • How will I find another job?

  • What if no-one will hire me?

  • I haven’t interviewed in years, I wont be able to succeed.

  • They screwed me - I’ll never forgive them

But, an Abundance Mindset would take you this way…

  • Now, I have an opportunity to consider a career change. I never would’ve left my old gig, but now, the possibilities are endless.

  • This is an opportunity to step outside my comfort zone into a new and rewarding challenge.

  • I have a chance to get even better than I was before - I can take my skills, and apply them to a new company, industry, or entire profession.

Which mindset gives you the opportunity to win - and why would you ever choose any other way of viewing the world?

Once you realize your mindset is a choice, only then can you be liberated.

That’s it for this week’s Constantly Curious!

What did you think? ALL feedback is welcome.

Additionally, if you read/watched something you think I would like - PLEASE send it my way.

Stay Curious, Friends!


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