Constantly Curious - Edition #15

The Best Oppenheimer Content, Tim Ferriss's 37 Favorite Documentaries, and More

Welcome to Constantly Curious, Edition #15!

This week at a glance:

  • Greetings from the Oppenheimer Rabbit Hole

  • 3 Quotes/Ideas of the Week

  • A Definitive Documentary List

  • “What’s the Worst They Can Say?” - My Favorite Decision-Making Tool

If this is your first time reading - welcome! Let your curiosity run wild with us every Thursday at 12pm EST.

With that said, let’s get into it -

Oppenheimer: A Rabbit Hole

This past weekend, I went and saw Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan’s (The Dark Knight, Interstellar, etc) biopic of the Manhattan Project and J. Robert Oppenheimer. Here’s the trailer if you haven’t seen it yet:

I really, really enjoyed Oppenheimer. Afterwards, I dove deep into the Rabbit Hole to find out everything I could on the Manhattan Project. I scoured YouTube and Twitter to find the best content to get all the background.

Honestly, I wish I watched these videos before seeing the film - it would have made understanding the plot, characters, and story arc much simpler! And there’s no risk of spoilers.

Here are the best videos/podcasts/tweets I found:

Side Bar: I went somewhat viral with the above tweet. It was awesome 😂

Three Quotes/Ideas of the Week

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, I’ll try again tomorrow".

Mary Anne Radmacher

A Definitive Documentary List to Find your Next Must Watch

Tim dropped this list yesterday and, given that I just featured Free Solo (which is included!) in last week’s edition, it felt apropos to include. Some highlights…

  • Docs included that I’ve seen (written in the order I’d recommend them): The Alpinist, Sour Grapes, The Last Dance, The River Runner

  • Docs included that I haven’t seen but will be watching: Searching for Sugar Man, Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain, Trip of Compassion

What’s your favorite documentary(s)? Leave a reply in the comments, send me a reply email, or DM me on socials!

“What’s the Worst They Can Say?” - A Decision Making Framework

I originally wrote this post in 2019 for my first blog - then, re-posted it as a LinkedIn article.

It’s one of my favorite pieces of writing I’ve ever done - it was the first time I really felt like I had “something” to share that others can learn from.

So, its about time I shared it with y’all!

Stay Curious, Friends!


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