Constantly Curious - Edition #8

Devon Levesque's Inner Circle, Under-the-Radar Creators, Growth and Fear & More

Welcome to Constantly Curious, Edition #8 (6/8/2023)!

The idea here is simple: each week, I will curate the most interesting articles, tweets, videos, ideas, people or hacks that I’ve come across and send them (via this newsletter) directly to your inbox.

This week, I’m experimenting with a slightly different format - that is, MUCH less words. I want to let the headlines and posts themselves do the talking.


With that said, let’s get into it -

3 Takeaways from an Experience that Had a Massive Impact on Me

Four months ago, Devon Levesque (@DevonLevesque) posted that he was opening up a mentorship experience for 50 individuals.

Dubbed The Inner Circle, Devon would be mentoring these folks and giving access to his closest friends, confidants, business partners, and coaches (specifically John Martin, an elite mental performance coach). He’d open his home, host events, and provide tools and resources to “level-up” in every possible way.

I have always admired Devon from afar; his authenticity, energy and goals for his life/business resonated deeply. Frankly, I see how he lives his life and often think “Now THAT’S what I want!”. After thinking it over for a day or so, I knew this opportunity felt right…I said F*ck It, threw caution to the wind, and applied.

I could say so much more, but instead, I’ll synthesize my 3 biggest takeaways from this experience.

  1. Clearly defining your core values is ESSENTIAL - We spent an entire month (daily personal reflections, weekly calls, 1-on-1’s) working to answer this question…What are your values? It’s a simple question, and one many of us likely have a “half-baked” answer for. However, we went DEEP. This process led me to my answer - my values are Health, Wealth, Freedom, and Passion. These words, in this specific order, excite me every time I talk about them, and that’s how I know they’re really authentic. Now that my values are authentically established, I have a framework to cross-check all future decisions - this has been a MASSIVE unlock for me personally and professionally.

  2. If you want to be normal, do normal things with normal people. If you want to be different, do different things with different people. If you want to be extraordinary, do epic sh*t with epic people.

  3. Don’t underestimate the power of positive energy and momentum - each time our group got together, it was like a shot of espresso and a jolt of inspiration and creativity. And the reason for that was simple: we all WANTED to be present, get better, feed off each other and keep improving. Nobody held a gun to our heads - this was a voluntary program, and we only got out what we put in…and that’s EXACTLY why it works.

2 Under-the-Radar People Putting Out Fantastic Content

  1. Billy Oppenheimer (Twitter, Website)

    Billy’s story is amazing, and the journey from odd jobs to Ryan Holiday’s full-time research assistant is really incredible and inspiring. If you dig his content at the links above, you’ll love his newsletter, Six at 6 on Sunday. The idea is simple, and quite similar to the Constantly Curious - each Sunday, Billy drops 6 things he learned, thought were interesting, or found useful. Read some prior editions to get a feel; I think you’ll love it

  2. David Senra (Twitter, Podcast)

    Every week, David reads/learns about a different entrepreneur, and tells you what he’s learned. On his podcast, Founders, he does the same. I especially love the nuggets he tweets out…like these…

2 Videos that Breakdown the MASSIVE Apple Product Release

MKBHD is the best in the Tech Video Biz - naturally his thoughts were the first I searched out. This video is absolutely fantastic and JAM PACKED with information

This video breaks down all the other really interesting updates from Apple: new iOS updates (finally FaceTime voicemails!), Mac, Apps, and more

1 Thought That Will Help You Step into Your Own Big Ideas

That’s it for Edition #8 of CC.

What did you think? ALL feedback is welcome. Additionally, if you read/watched something you think I would like - PLEASE send it my way.

Stay Curious, Friends.


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