Constantly Curious - Ideas from Nick Wolf - #1

Why NFTs Matter, Up&Coming Fitness Creator (Dean Turner) & More

Welcome to the first edition of Constantly Curious!

The idea here is simple: each week, I will curate the most interesting articles, tweets, videos, ideas, people or hacks that I’ve come across and send them (via this newsletter) directly to your inbox.

The content within Constantly Curious will be all over-the-place, and that’s by design. I routinely am inspired, intrigued, perplexed, and motivated by so many people, places, and things, and I believe that everyone can benefit from synthesizing lessons and ideas across all domains.

Constantly Curious aims to be a critical and authentic resource for you to find these big, unique and sometimes esoteric ideas.

With that said, let’s get into it -

Article that I’ve Read (and Re-Read)

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) entered the cultural zeitgeist in a big way over the last 12-24 months, and have generated some of the most polarizing opinions you will find. However, this article from Derek (one of my favorite personalities within the NFT/Web3 world) does an excellent job of breaking down (from first principles) why NFTs are a fundamental technological shift worthy of your attention. I’ve read and re-read this at-least 3-5x, and find a new nugget each time. Highly, highly recommend.

Podcast I Loved

Tim Ferriss’s recent conversation with Bill Gurley (legendary investor) was absolutely epic. Tim (who’s 5-Bullet Friday newsletter is the inspiration for Constantly Curious) is the absolute best at crafting some of the best conversational podcasts, and this was one of my recent favorites. Specifically, this clip talking about what makes Jeff Bezos such a great entrepreneur is so insightful.

Youtube Channel I Have Alerts On For

Over the last decade, Tree House Brewing Company has established itself as one the GOATs in the craft beer game (not to mention their outstanding Coffee Program - consider ordering some of their beans if you love good speciality coffee). Recently, they have really upped their content game, with a weekly Youtube video highlighting behind-the-scenes looks at how their operation works and what it takes to be one of the best craft brewers (at scale) in the world. Tree House’s operation is the intersection of science, chemistry, manufacturing, and art, and it is a sight to behold.

Under-The-Radar “Influencer” I’m Resonating With

This will be a recurring theme in Constantly Curious, as I think there’s a ton of value in identifying who the authentic and under-the-radar social media personalties are.

Featured today is Dean Turner, personal trainer and founder of DeanTurnerTraining. Dean has managed to quickly build a nice-sized twitter following over the last 6-12 months, and has built a community by providing a ton of value to people (FOR FREE) on his site (linked above). If you are looking for simple (but not easy) training tips/templates/recommendations for HYPERTROPHY strength training, Dean is your guy. The results speak for themselves.

That’s it for the Inaugural Edition of Constantly Curious - if you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU.

What did you think? ALL feedback is welcome. Additionally, if you read/watched something you think I would like - PLEASE send it my way.

If you enjoyed, feel free to share with friends/family - MUCH more to come, and I cant wait to keep sharing ideas with you.

Stay Curious, Friends.

-Nick Wolf

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