Constantly Curious #2

SpaceX, Incredible NFT Artist (Sam Spratt), & More

Welcome to the Constantly Curious, Edition #2!

The idea here is simple: each week, I will curate the most interesting articles, tweets, videos, ideas, people or hacks that I’ve come across and send them (via this newsletter) directly to your inbox.

The content within Constantly Curious will be all over-the-place, and that’s by design. I routinely am inspired, intrigued, perplexed, and motivated by so many people, places, and things, and I believe that everyone can benefit from synthesizing lessons and ideas across all domains.

Constantly Curious aims to be a critical and authentic resource for you to find these big, unique and sometimes esoteric ideas.

With that said, let’s get into it -

Youtube Video(s) That Blew My Mind

Last week, SpaceX had its first successful test flight of Starship (fast forward to 43:00 minutes in), a fully reusable transport spacecraft capable of carrying 100 human beings to Mars, along with 150+ tons of cargo.

Everyday Astronaut covers all things Spacecraft/SpaceX better than anyone else out there, and recently posted this incredible video on how to go and visit Starbase (SpaceX’s home base). The video itself is incredibly interesting, and the production quality is Hollywood/Netflix-level good.

These three videos (here, here, and here) will blow your mind - a three-part, behind-the-scenes, never-before-seen inside look at Starbase led by Elon Musk himself.

IG Post That Really Hit For Me

I have been really thinking and meditating on this post this last week. If your people/tribe aren’t rooting for you to win in a big way, ask yourself if those people are right for you. Similarly, (and maybe even more importantly), if YOU aren’t rooting for your people to win and win BIG, I’d encourage you to do re-think and re-frame your approach.

NFT/IRL Artist I Love

Last week, I talked NFTs. This week, I want to introduce you to one of my favorite artists, Sam Spratt. Sam got on my radar years ago as the artist behind the hip-hop artist Logic’s discography, and has recently dove into NFTs with a series titled LUCI. I could say more, but I’ll let the work speak (and his website) speak for itself.

Each of the 8 (so far) pieces in the LUCI series are unique, 1-of-1 digital art pieces, and have sold for $60,000 - $230,000 each.

New Podcast I am Binging

I recently found My First Million, a podcast where Shaan Puri and Sam Parr (two successful serial entrepreneurs) “brainstorm ideas and give them away for free” (Youtube, Twitter).

Specifically, this episode titled “Scott Harrison: From Nightclub Promoter to Charity Water Founder (#443)” was SO captivating. Scott’s story is INSANE, and I had previously never heard of his non-profit, Charity Water. They’re truly doing god’s work, with the mission of providing fresh water to everyone on earth.

Sam and Shaan also do a great job of getting Scott to expand on the entrepreneurial side of founding a non-profit, and they go into quite a few really interesting examples that are transferrable.

I cant wait to keep diving into more episodes of My First Million.

That’s it for Edition #2 of CC.

What did you think? ALL feedback is welcome. Additionally, if you read/watched something you think I would like - PLEASE send it my way.

If you enjoyed, feel free to share with friends/family - MUCH more to come, and I cant wait to keep sharing ideas with you.

Stay Curious, Friends.

- Nick Wolf

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