Constantly Curious - Edition #30

Bitcoin to $100k? 🤯, Hacking the Human Body 🧬, Tesla Cheaper Than a Toyota Camry? 😮 & More

Welcome to Constantly Curious, Edition #30!

This week at a glance:

  • Videos I’m Watching

  • Articles I’m Reading

  • Podcasts I’m Listening Too

  • Posts that Caught my Eye

  • Ideas that I’m Thinking About

If this is your first time reading - welcome! Let your curiosity run wild with us every Thursday at 12pm EST.

With that said, let’s get into it -

Videos I’m Watching…

Articles I’m Reading…

PRO TIPS: For any articles that are paywall’d, refer to CC #11 or CC #19 for a way to bypass. OR, utilize your iPhone’s “Reader View” in your browser (this works occasionally)

That Thursday Feeling

Podcasts I’m Listening Too…

Note: This last podcast might not look like much on first glance, but it’s actually an incredibly interesting and comprehensive overview of the life and rise of “Skinny Joey” Merlino, the most prolific and famous Mafia Boss in Philadelphia History.

Posts that Caught My Eye…

Ideas that I’m Thinking About…

“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Realize something:

You don’t HAVE to do anything…

You get too.

Nick Wolf

See you next week!

Stay Curious, Friends!


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