Constantly Curious - Edition 36

Long-Term Success Strategies in Life 🧠, Rob Dyrdek's Success Story 💰, The Bitcoin ETF is Coming 🔜, & More!

Welcome to Constantly Curious, Edition #36!

This week at a glance:

  • Videos I’m Watching

  • Articles I’m Reading

  • Podcasts I’m Listening Too

  • Posts that Caught my Eye

  • Ideas that I’m Thinking About

If this is your first time reading - welcome! Let your curiosity run wild with us every Thursday at 12pm EST.

With that said, let’s get into it -

Videos I’m Watching…

Crypto/Bitcoin videos have been a mainstay in Constantly Curious for some time now - and frankly, that’s likely to continue. This January, the expectation is that a Bitcoin ETF will be approved. I believe this is one of the largest fundamental shifts in finance - so I’m getting as educated as possible. This is a great start if you haven’t watched prior crypto content!

Fantastic look inside Georgia’s brand new Football facility. Absolutely insane. This is one of my favorite channels - i’ll post more of my favorites from Royal Key in the coming months

Me and My Golf is one of my go-to channels to visually learn how to improve my golf game. This video is one of the first I ever saw, and it was the first time I really started thinking about a golf swing from first principles. I come back to it quite often and it helps me reset and re-center my swing thoughts. Even if you don’t golf, this is a worthwhile watch to help teach about what makes a great (and simple) golf swing

Articles I’m Reading…

PRO TIPS: For any articles that are paywall’d, refer to CC #11 or CC #19 for a way to bypass. OR, utilize your iPhone’s “Reader View” in your browser (this works occasionally)

That Thursday Feeling

Podcasts I’m Listening Too…

Sahil Bloom is one of my favorite thinkers - this is a fantastic podcast where he discusses long term success strategies for building your dream career. Tons of actionable nuggets

May have shared this before, but I rewatched it for the 3rd or 4th time this week, and just had to share again. This is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE podcast episodes.

Posts that Caught My Eye…

Have a Mind that is Open to Everything and Attached to Nothing.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

See you next week!

Stay Curious, Friends!


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